Q: How long does the "Decision in Process" status remain for a paper?
I submitted a manuscript to an Elsevier journal on October 1,2017. The status changed to 'Under review' for around 2.5 months. On Dec. 15,2017, the status changed to 'Decision in Process' and it is stuck at this stage since then. Can I anticipate rejection? How long should I wait for this stage?
Most journals normally take 4-8 weeks to review manuscripts. The ‘decision in process’ status implies that your manuscript has passed through peer review and the editorial board is now making a decision. In this step, the editor carefully evaluates all the comments by the peer-reviewers and examines the manuscript. The editor may also consult with the reviewers once again for clarity. There is no fixed time for this process and it does not imply any particular decision, whether rejection or acceptance. Usually, there are several papers lined up for decision and that is why this process might take time. However, since your manuscript has been under this status for 2 months, I would recommend contacting the editor via e-mail.
Related reading:
What is the meaning of "decision in process" status?
What does it mean if the status date changes while the status remains 'Decision in Process'?
How long does a paper remain at the 'Decision in Process' status?
Does a direct 'Decision in Process' status indicate rejection?
This content belongs to the Journal submission & peer review Stage