Q: How should I rectify an error that could jeopardize my claim to authorship?

Detailed Question -

Dear Sir/Madam, I received an email from a journal to confirm my contribution to a manuscript that was submitted by my colleague. In this email, there were two links; one for (yes, I am affiliated) and the other for (No, I am not affiliated), and I clicked by mistake on the second link, and my contribution to the manuscript was removed. What can I do to be affiliated to the manuscipt? Thank you in advance.

1 Answer to this question

You should write to the journal immediately explaining that this was a mistake. You should also write to your colleague who is the corresponding author of the manuscript explaining the mistake you have made and asking him/her to also get in touch with the journal to corroborate that you have made an honest error.

Please follow  up with the journal until you receive a confirmation that the error has been corrected and your contribution acknowledged.

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