Q: How to understand the status descriptions for my submission?

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 The status of my submission changed from Admin: Not Assigned to EA: [name] plus Awaiting ED assignment plus Awaiting CE decision at Scholarone manuscripts. Can someone please let me know what they actually mean? Thank you very much in advance!

2 Answers to this question

It's slightly strange that the status is showing multiple stages in the submission process at the same time. One possibility is that it is showing all the statuses the paper has gone through. So, this would mean that from "Admin: Not Assigned," the status changed to "EA: [name],"first, and then to "Awaiting ED assignment" and finally to  "Awaiting CE decision." Initially,  once your paper was submitted, the status showed "Admin not assigned." Then it was assigned to an Editorial Assistant (EA) for admin check. This is when the status changed to "EA: [name]." Once the EA started checking the manuscript, the status changed to "Awaiting ED Assignment." At this stage, the EA goes through the paper and conducts an initial check to see if the basic guidelines of the journal have been met. If the paper clears this check, it is assigned to a handling editor (ED) and the status changes to "Editor Assigned." If however, the paper does not clear the admin check, it is sent to the Editor-in-chief who gives his/her decision. Generally, papers that do not clear admin check are rejected.

Related reading:

Tracking your manuscript status in journal submission systems


This mean your article waiting to approve by internal editor to check if it meets all requirements to publish. If ok, then you will wait another time to be under review because the internal editor will email to all reviewers who related to the topic of your article. if any reviewers replies to the internal editor, the your article status will change to under review