Q: Is it acceptable to upload an English translation of a published Japanese article on arXiv?

Detailed Question -

Is that acceptable to upload a translated version (English version) of a Japanese article, which was already published on a Japanese society journal, onto a repository site like https://arxiv.org/?

Generally, I assume publishing the same contents is not acceptable, since it is one paper even though they are written in two different languages. However, is there any way to do it ethically by linking to the original Japanese paper to show the contents are identical?

1 Answer to this question

The arXiv website has a section on translations that states that they accept translations of previously published work, provided the work belongs to the fields/disciplines covered in arXiv. However, if the copyright of the original published work has been transferred to the journal, you need to seek permission from the journal editor first. Additionally, the title of the translated version whould include the title of the original article and the author's name.

To quote from the arXiv website: If at all possible, the title of the translation should include the title of the translated work and the original author's name. For example:

  • A translation of AUTHOR'S "TITLE"
  • A translation of "TITLE" by AUTHOR

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