Q: Is there a difference between "Final Decision Reject" and a simple "Reject"?
My paper was rejected by the journal Critical Care. Actually I have had another experience of rejection by the same journal. However, at that time, the decision letter said “Final Decision Reject,” while this time, it is a simple rejection. Does that mean there is a little possibility that my paper would be given a second chance if I resubmit?
There is no clear difference between "Final Decision Reject" and a simple "Reject." However, in the first case, it would be difficult to even propose a resubmission, while in the second, you would at least be able to ask. I think you should first go through the reviewer comments in detail and make the changes suggested. Once you have improved the paper based on the reviewer comments, you can send an e-mail to the editor explaining the changes that you have made and ask if the editor would be interested in taking another look at the revised paper. If he agrees, you can resubmit. Even if he does not, your manuscript quality will definitely improve with the revisions, and you will stand a better chance of getting accepted by the next journal where you submit.
This content belongs to the Journal submission & peer review Stage