Q: What do I write in my problem statement?

Detailed Question -

Please tell me what to write in my problem statement. My research topic is "Impact of macroeconomic indicators on performance of manufacturing firms."

4 Answers to this question

A statement of a problem is a brief, clear, and precise explanation of an issue that the researcher wants to study. It includes a vision, issue statement, and a proposed method to solve the problem. The 5 'W's - Who, What, Where, When and Why - can be used to define a problem statement. While it would not be possible for me to suggest a statement of the problem in your subject area, we have published quite a few articles that would help you to understand how to write the statement of a problem.

Please go through these tutorials carefully and try to come up with a problem statement for your research. You can also discuss your ideas with your professor or seniors who might help you to come up with a framework and you can fill in the details depending upon what you are explicitly studying.:

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This is quite important,as shared above i.e. The 5 'W's - Who, What, Where, When and Why - can be used to define a problem statement. 


Absolutely, Anthony! The 5 Ws are always a great guide to solving many a problem, research or otherwise. :-)