Q: Should I withdraw my paper from the journal?

Detailed Question -

I submitted a paper two months ago to Creativity Research Journal (Taylor and Francis). The status still shows as "manuscript received by the journal." I sent an email to the journal asking about the status, to which they replied that it is under process. Should I consider withdrawing the paper as it is taking a lot of time?

1 Answer to this question

Actually, two months since submission is not a very long time in the journal review-and-decision cycle, even more so in the entire publication cycle. It can at times take up to three or four months, if not longer, as journals such as Taylor and Francis (T&F) have large volumes of submissions. Presently, the time taken may also be due to the holiday season, with many editors and/or reviewers on leave. The good things to note are that the journal has been responsive to your query and the manuscript does seem to be progressing in the review cycle, although a bit slowly. So, you can wait until mid-January until checking with them again. Then, if they still take a long time processing your paper, you may consider withdrawing it.

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