Q: What are the publication charges of International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation?

Detailed Question -

I need to submit my paper to International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, but wish to first to know the publication charges.

1 Answer to this question

The publication charges for the journal don’t seem to be readily available on the site. Also, while the About page does talk of ‘article processing charges (APCs),’ these are not APCs in the sense of open access (OA) publishing, as the journal is not an OA journal. As it says on its site, it is a not-for-profit, non-OA journal. However, it seems to charge a nominal fee for the reviewing and editing involved, which is non-refundable. Which explains why you wish to know the publication charges before submitting. In fact, it also says it is a private journal, which could be why some of this information is not easily available on the site.

Incidentally, we had received another query about the journal a few months back. There too, it seemed some of this information was available behind closed doors or on request. Also, it seems to allow only a certain number of visits at a time by an unregistered user, after which it seems to lock you out for a period. Anyway, you may view the query here: Is The International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (ISSN: 1475-7192) indexed in Scopus?

You should write to them about the publication charges through a presubmission inquiry. Their contact information, thankfully, is more readily available. In the inquiry, you may also provide a brief idea of your research to assess its likelihood of acceptance with the journal, to ensure that you are investing your time well in submitting here.

In fact, as it seems critical to submit a good first version of the manuscript to this journal (as to all journals, of course), you may prepare yourself and your manuscript by going through the following resources.

Once you’ve gone through the above resources and are ready to submit, to improve your chances of acceptance, you may also wish to run your manuscript through the assessment check provided by R Pubsure, a sister brand offering a presubmission evaluation of your manuscript to ensure it is submission-ready in every way and thus minimize the chances of desk rejection. The tool provides various checks, such as for structure, language, authorship, and references, and collates these into a report that you can go through to make changes. You may learn more about R Pubsure here and view a sample report here.

Hope all that helps. All the best for your submission!