Q: What can be a relevant theoretical framework for assessing service quality delivery in the archival system?

1 Answer to this question

Your question did not seem complete. So, we have edited it. Even then, it’s not clear which kind of archival system you are referring to. In that case, we can help you with only the first part of your question, the theoretical framework.

The theoretical framework is a structure providing the grounding for your research. It is typically a well-established theory that a researcher uses to provide the basis for their research. Some well-known theories or frameworks would be the Laws of Motion, the Law of Gravity, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. For more information on theoretical frameworks, you may refer to the following resources:

Additionally, as the theoretical framework is discussed in the Introduction section, you may find this resource helpful: 4 Step approach to writing the Introduction section of a research paper

Hope that helps. And all the best for your research!