Q: What can I do if the status of my case report has remained "With Editor" for more than six months?
I submitted a case report to an English journal, but the status has remained 'With Editor' for six months. I sent an inquiry and received a reply stating that “your submission has been assigned to the Case Editor, and we should be delivering a decision soon.” Now, another month has passed, but the status is the same. What should I do?
Six months is a bit long, but the long time so far could be due to the fact that this is a case report, which is around a new or unusual phenomenon or obversation and therefore involves detailed scrutiny. For the same reason, it may have been challenging for the journal to find an appropriate reviewer for the report. However, as the journal has said, the report is presently under review and they should be conveying a decision soon.
Although it has already been a month since that communication, you could wait a bit longer, perhaps a couple of weeks or so. If the status hasn’t changed by then, you could check with the editor again. This time, you could also ask how much longer it is likely to take and what should be your action if it is likely to take much longer. Based on the journal’s response, you should be able to decide your next step, such as whether you should withdraw and submit to another journal. All the best for the next stage(s)!
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This content belongs to the Journal submission & peer review Stage