Q: What does a status of manuscript change from 'Under Review' to 'Reviewers Assigned' mean?

Detailed Question -

I submitted my manuscript to a journal. After one week, the status changed to 'Reviewers Assigned,' and it remained so for one day. After that, it changed to 'Under Review.' However, after 15 days, it again changed to 'Reviewers Assigned.' Now, after three weeks, the status date of the manuscript has changed, but the status remains 'Reviewers Assigned.' What does this mean? Does the status date change mean that the reviewer has added his or her comments?

Should i write a polite email to the editor or not? If yes then please provide me the content also.


1 Answer to this question

Hi. Thanks for posting your query again. We replied to your earlier query here. However, we see that you have asked for help with writing the mail. If so, here are a couple of resources:

Hope that helps. And all the best again!