Q: Where can I publish a hypothesis article on cardiac physiology?

Detailed Question -

I submitted a hypothesis article on cardiac physiology to the Elsevier journal Medical Hypotheses but was rejected on the grounds that my article was too specialized for the scope of the journal. Where can I publish it?

1 Answer to this question

I am sorry to know that your manuscript was rejected by Medical Hypotheses due to a scope mismatch. Here are a few tips that will help ensure that your manuscript fits the scope of your target journal: 

  • Please check if the journal has published papers similar to your study in the last 5 years
  • If possible, cite  a few articles from the journal you wish to submit to in your paper
  • Make sure that the abstract and the cover letter convey the findings of the study in a way that matches with the aims & scope of the journal that you will be submitting to
  • You can send a pre-submission inquiry to the journal editor with a request to confirm if it’s suitable for the journal
  • As your article is a hypotheses, read the journal guidelines carefully to confirm that such articles are accepted

If you want us to help you pick a suitable journal, you can consider taking the Editage journal selection service. Wish you good luck with your next submission. I hope you find a suitable journal soon.


Please review the links below for some more tips and suggestions. I'm sure you will find them useful.

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