Q: Why is my manuscript not progressing beyond the "Manuscript submitted" stage?

Detailed Question -

The manuscript was submitted on 15th June 2018, quality check started on 15th June, manuscript not complete 19th June, quality check started 1st July, submission not complete5th July, quality check started 5th July, manuscript submitted 9th July. After this, till today, that is, 2nd August 2018, the manuscript status has not changed. What may be the reason for this delayed progress?

1 Answer to this question

Your question is a little unclear to me. The statuses on 19 June, 2018, and 5 July, 2018, indicate that either your submission was incomplete or that you have re-submitted the manuscript. As I see from your question, the manuscript submission was completed on 9 July 2018.  If this was the case, then it has been around 3 weeks till date after the submission was completed.

Different journals have different time periods for the initial editorial screening process. This may take up to a month and after that, if the manuscript is suitable, it will be sent for peer review. You may consider writing to the editor of the journal inquiring about the status of your manuscript.

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