Q: Why is my paper not assigned to an editor even a month after submission?

Detailed Question -

Hi, it is about one month since I submitted my paper to an Elsevier journal. However, the status is still "With journal." Is it normal for such a well-known journal to not send the paper to an editor even a month after submission? 

1 Answer to this question

Unfortunately, the publication process is quite slow and delays are normal. It can be worse for the bigger journals since they have to handle a huge volume of submissions. Moreover, some of the bigger journals have more rigorous processes which lead to further delay. For instance, many journals have an admin check once they receive a submission. This is done by editorial assistants to check whether the basic journal requirements related to article length, type, supporting documents, etc. have been met.

Once this is done, the paper is assigned to an editor. Once again, this can be a more elaborate process for larger journals: often, subject editors or handling editors have to be selected and invitations sent out to them. Once the editor accepts the invitation, the status changes to "With editor." However, if the editor declines (which is not uncommon), invitations have to be sent out again, leading to further delay.

So don't worry, as this kind of delay is quite normal. However, if you do not see a status change within the next couple of weeks, you should send an inquiry to the journal. You might need to follow up from time to time to ensure that your paper makes some progress.

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