Dimension Reduction Techniques for Omics Data: An Introduction

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We all know that biomedical data can be a labyrinth of complexity, especially when dealing with high-dimensional datasets. With advancements in technology, our ability to collect vast amounts of data has skyrocketed, but so has the challenge of making sense of it all. That’s where dimension reduction techniques come to the rescue! In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of dimension reduction, demystifying its concepts and taking a look at its practical applications in biomedical research. 

Challenges Associated with High-Dimensional Data 

High-dimensional data is a term used to describe datasets with a large number of features or variables, often exceeding the number of samples. This abundance of dimensions makes data analysis even more challenging, because of increased computational complexity, overfitting, and difficulty in visualizing and interpreting the data. To overcome these hurdles, researchers often need to use dimension reduction techniques. 

Understanding Dimension Reduction 

At its core, dimension reduction is a process meant to transform high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional representation while preserving its essential structure and characteristics. By reducing the number of variables, we can gain insights, simplify analyses, improve visualization, and enhance computational efficiency. Here are two primary approaches to dimension reduction: 

a. Feature Selection: This method focuses on identifying a subset of the original features that are most informative or relevant to the problem at hand. It involves carefully handpicking variables or using statistical techniques to rank and select the most significant features. Feature selection can be particularly useful when interpretability and domain knowledge play a crucial role in the analysis. 

b. Feature Extraction: Unlike feature selection, feature extraction aims to create new combinations of the original features, known as latent variables or components. These new variables capture the essence of the data while minimizing the loss of information. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) are popular techniques used for feature extraction. 

Unveiling the Power of Dimension Reduction in Biomedical Research 

Now that we have a basic understanding of what dimension reduction is, let’s take a look at how it can be used in the biomedical sciences: 

a. Biomarker Discovery: Dimension reduction techniques can help us identify relevant biomarkers from high-dimensional genomic or proteomic data. By reducing noise and redundancy, we can determine the most influential variables to help us distinguish between healthy and diseased states, enabling us to develop better diagnostic and prognostic tools. 

b. Drug Discovery: High-throughput screening generates an enormous amount of molecular data. Dimension reduction enables researchers to uncover hidden patterns and structure within these datasets, helping to identify potential drug targets, predict drug efficacy, and optimize treatment strategies. 

c. Image Analysis: Biomedical imaging often produces high-dimensional data, such as MRI scans or microscopy images. Dimension reduction allows researchers to extract meaningful features and reduce the complexity, facilitating better image classification, segmentation, and visualization. 

d. Clinical Decision-Making: In clinical settings, dimension reduction techniques can aid in analyzing electronic health records (EHRs), patient profiles, and medical imaging data. By simplifying and summarizing complex patient data, these techniques enhance decision-making processes, support risk prediction, and improve patient outcomes. 

Dimension Reduction Technique: Choosing the Right One

The choice of dimension reduction technique depends on several factors, including the nature of the data, the problem at hand, and the desired outcome. Some commonly used techniques apart from PCA and ICA include t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding), UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection), and LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis). It’s essential to consider the strengths, limitations, and assumptions of each technique before applying them to your specific biomedical research problem. 

Here’s a brief outline of the strengths and limitations of the above dimension reduction techniques: 

Principal Component Analysis (PCA): 


  • Effectively captures the main patterns of variation in the data. 
  • Reduces dimensionality while retaining most of the information. 
  • Provides a clear interpretation of the principal components. 
  • Widely applicable and computationally efficient. 


  • Assumes linearity in the data, which may not hold for all datasets. 
  • May not perform well when the data contains nonlinear relationships. 
  • Can be sensitive to outliers. 
  • Does not consider class labels or target variables during dimensionality reduction. 

Independent Component Analysis (ICA): 


  • Unmixes the underlying sources or components in the data. 
  • Useful for separating mixed signals or extracting hidden factors. 
  • Handles non-Gaussian and nonlinear relationships in the data. 
  • Offers interpretability of the independent components. 


  • Requires the data sources to be statistically independent, which may not always be true. 
  • Assumes linear mixing of the sources, which may not hold in some cases. 
  • Determining the correct number of independent components can be challenging. 
  • Prone to overfitting with small sample sizes. 

t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding): 


  • Preserves the local and global structure of the data. 
  • Effective in visualizing high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional space. 
  • Particularly useful for revealing clusters and identifying outliers. 
  • Captures complex nonlinear relationships. 


  • Can be computationally expensive for large datasets. 
  • The visualization may vary depending on the perplexity parameter choice. 
  • Not suitable for feature selection; primarily focuses on visualization. 
  • Interpretation of the t-SNE plots requires caution and domain knowledge. 

UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection): 


  • Preserves both local and global structure of the data. 
  • Retains more of the global structure compared to t-SNE. 
  • Fast computation, making it suitable for large datasets. 
  • Allows flexible parameter tuning. 


  • Parameter sensitivity, requiring careful selection. 
  • Less suitable for visualizing global structures compared to t-SNE. 
  • Relies on random initialization, leading to potential variability in results. 
  • Interpretation of UMAP plots should be done cautiously, considering domain knowledge. 

LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis): 


  • Performs dimension reduction while maximizing class separability. 
  • Particularly useful for classification tasks and feature extraction. 
  • Provides insights into the discriminative power of features. 
  • Handles both binary and multiclass problems. 


  • Assumes linearity and normality in the data distributions. 
  • Requires labeled data for supervised learning. 
  • Prone to overfitting with a small number of samples per class. 
  • May not be suitable for datasets with complex class boundaries. 

Want to unlock the vast potential of high-dimensional data in your research? Looking for support from an experienced biostatistician?  Let us help you harness the power of your data and elevate your research to new heights! Check out Editage’s Statistical Analysis & Review Services today! 

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