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In a bold move earlier this month, open-access journal eLife revealed that it will soon transition to a new ‘publish, then review’ policy. Starting July 2021, the…
This article is a brief overview of how inclusive-language guidelines have evolved, some key considerations, and important standard guidelines on how to use inclusive…
In the recent three decades, search engines and online archives for indexed journals have accelerated the literature search process. Here we discuss how AI tools today…
Peer reviewers shoulder the responsibility of pulishing valid, authentic, and high quality science. Doing it for the first time can be daunting. This downloadable…
I left academia a bit over a year ago and I now work as an R&D scientist in a company. Recently, my new PI asked me what people outside of academia do in a random…
  • Guest Author
  • June 5, 2019
A group of researchers from Japan has recently discovered a novel enzyme from a soil fungus. In their study, they speculate that this enzyme plays important roles in the…
As an Editage Insights reader, I’m sure you’re aware that the theme of Peer Review Week 2021 is Identity in Peer Review. Considering the relevance of topic in the…
It wasn’t too long ago that I finished my PhD. I vividly remember feeling elated that I had completed the journey, and also the feeling of relief that I am free from the…
The competing time demands of family and work, along with the emotional burdens arising from the pandemic pose different challenges for researchers. However, new data…
I’ve come to realize recently, that in the course of a 3 to 4 year PhD, perfection is out of the question. Not because I’m being pessimistic, but because I’m working on…