
Publication Planning

Our guest authors are passionate about research and its communication – so passionate that they turn into composers! Here’s a short poem on academic writing from one of…
5 Tips for academic writing, poetry style
The first and most important step in any research is to identify and delineate the research problem. However, many researchers find this task difficult. This article is…
You have been working hard on your research project for months and the data it has generated are promising. You feel now is the right time to start writing your first…
The foundation of every clinical trial is a clinical protocol. It is an important document that describes in detail all the crucial elements of the research. In fact,…
3 Signs of poorly designed clinical trial protocol [Includes research protocol checklist]
Google Scholar is a tool researchers commonly use for conducting literature searches. This post shares eight great tips to help make your Google Scholar search more…
Prof. Ana Marušić is known for her work as a researcher, author, journal editor, and scholarly communications professional. She is Professor of Anatomy and Chair of the…
This post clarifies the role and nature of animal ethics boards or regulatory bodies that set down regulations to help ensure humane and ethical treatment of animals in…
A series of unplanned events led me to a copy of Charlie Munger’s famous speech titled “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment” and got my brain whirring. In the speech he…
Before using animals for an experiment, you need to get approvals from relevant regulatory bodies and ethics boards. These bodies help ensure that animals used in…
At the beginning of each scholarly article, beneath the title, is a list of the authors. We get so used to writing our name, together with the names of our co-authors…