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For those of you mad enough to do a PhD, I have some advice: knowing when to let go is important, but knowing when to say yes is also important. Doing favors for people,…
  • Guest Author
  • May 22, 2019
This post explains how ESL authors may use AI tools like ChatGPT and other online tools to help overcome the barrier of language and publishing manuscripts in English…
Language isn't just a tool for communication; it shapes our worldviews, influences our experiences, and encodes unique knowledge systems. Read more to understand it's…
The words “published in a peer reviewed journal” are sometimes considered as the gold standard in science. But any professional scientist will tell you that the fact an…
I made the difficult decision of pursuing a PhD in the UK. I felt that it suited both my background and future plans, better than the US graduate programs. I knew it…
In this blogpost, we'll demystify how Bayesian statistics can revolutionize your approach to meta-analysis.
Dr. Erica Hawkins, a postdoctoral scientist working on starch synthesis in plants, shares her story of battling mental health issues such as anxiety and OCD as an…
I don’t know exactly when I started to change my mind about academia. Actually, I think it was a mix of things that lead me out of it. This past weekend, I finally…
This article explores the concept of digital accessibility, discusses why it is important in scholarly publishing, and looks at how publishers are facilitating…
In a decisive move, the Biden-led administration recently announced a reversal of restrictions implemented by the Trump administration in June 2019 on government-funded…