

If the month of July seemed to whizz past while you were hard at work, we have you covered. This month was interesting because there were several noteworthy happenings:…
130 papers by Indian research institute have been flagged on PubPeer for possible image manipulation. According to reports, a three-member committee will investigate the…
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has greatly affected research and researchers in both countries. This post summarizes the challenges and precipitating factors as…
Do you know what academics were talking about in 2019 on Twitter? Learn more about the most thought-provoking discussion around mental health, struggles in academia,…
A recently discovered autoimmune disease is the IgG4-related disease that affects millions and has no known cure. Previous research indicates that T cells and the…
The race to publish and technological innovation have contributed to the prolific scale at the cost of energy and resources. This post talks at length about some…
This month, we share posts that explore larger level issues in research communication. The underlying theme is the problems plaguing science, particularly about best and…
This month, we have an interesting list of recommendations for you. We tell you about the situation in the UK post Brexit, a recommended list of 15 best practices to…
Medical researcher Dr. Abdul Razzaque writes about the coronavirus, advises on preventive measures and busts common myths surrounding the virus and how it is spread.
Cactus Communications launches PubSURE - the world's first marketplace allowing manuscript and journal selection on one platform.