5 Differences between the Results and Discussion sections

While writing their research papers, many researchers are sligthly unclear about what they should include in the Results and Discussions sections. To effectively write…

Conducting a thorough literature search can be quite tricky, especially if you don’t know where to look. Of the many…

Becoming a peer reviwer is a job of great resposibility and one must look at a couple of things before conduting the review. Go through this checklist to make sure you are prepared before you…

A conflict of interest arises whenever there is any potential bias that could affect a researcher’s work. They are an…

Reviewing scientific literature can help you develop your writing and communication skills. Moreover, you will be able to…

Did you know that most comma errors you make in while writing your research paper could be easily avoided? This infographic shows the top six comma errors authors…

What can happen to a scientific research manuscript after it has been queued up for peer review? What are the peer review decisions authors need to be prepared for?…

Are journal instructions always well-written, clear, and easy to understand? When we asked authors and journal editors what they thought about journal instructions,…

In order to make sure that your manuscript is not rejected outright, you need to create a great submission package that includes everything journal editors and…

Check out this infographic to know more STM publishing: how many research articles are published each year, by how many researchers, in how many peer-reviewed journals…