Q: Example of rationale or the background study of Global health crisis

Detailed Question -

I want have more ideas about rationale or the background so that i can make a perfect study

1 Answer to this question

Welcome to the Editage Insights Q&A Forum, and thanks for your question.


We have quite a few resources on writing the study background and rationale on the forum, site, and a related platform, R Upskill (which provides learning programs for researchers/academics). We have linked a few of these below. For more, you can search the forum/site and the platform using the relevant keywords. 


Background of study

How to write the background of your study 

What is the best way of stating the background of a study? 

How To Write Background Of The Study In Research? 

Hope that helps. All the best for your study! 


Rationale/Justification of study

How can I write about the justification of my research - and what does it entail? 

How to write the rationale for research? 

How is research justification or justification of a study written? 


Hope these help. All the best for your study!