Q: What can I do if my submission remains unconfirmed even after 20 days?

Detailed Question -

I have submited my manuscript to a journal via email (the unique option of submitting) 20 days ago. However, until now, I have not received a confirmation email from this journal. I have sent an email to the editor inquiring about the status of my paper. But this email is also unreplied. What should I do now? Is it ethical if I withdraw my paper from this journal? If I sent my paper to another journal, would it be simultaneous submission?

1 Answer to this question

We have received quite a few questions similar to yours. You can refer to the posts below for detailed guidance. In short, you can either choose to wait for a few more weeks or withdraw your paper. If you wish to withdraw, you will have to send a withdrawal request to the journal. If they don't respond to it, you will have to send a couple of follow-up emails asking them to confirm the withdrawal. If there's still no response, you should send a final email saying that you consider your manuscript "unsubmitted from the journal." Once this is done, you are free to submit it to another journal. However, make sure you save the email communication as evidence just in case there's any problem later.

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