Q: What does it mean if the editor has withdrawn my manuscript without my request?

Detailed Question -

3 months ago, I submitted my manuscript to Q1 journal 5 days ago, the editor has withdrawn my paper. I have no idea of the reason for the paper being withdrawn without my request and other authors.

1 Answer to this question

It is unusual for a journal to withdraw a submitted manuscript. It is more common for authors to withdraw, or request to withdraw, a manuscript submitted to a journal.

You have not mentioned what was the status of your paper at the time it was withdrawn. Certain journals might need to "withdraw" an article if a major violation of the journal’s standards or policy was detected while the article was in press. But if your article has not yet been accepted, the editor would not "withdraw" the manuscript; he/she would just reject it.

I think you should write to the editor immediately inquiring about this. Make sure to make it very clear in your email that you have not sent a withdrawal request.


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