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I often get the “I don’t know how you do it all” comment from people. And the truth is, I really don’t either. I am exhausted.
Few academics realize how much of their time is claimed by writing and yet, they would rather do anything else other than write. If that sounds like you, here are some…
T-test is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you compare the means of two groups, making it a fundamental test in biomedical research. This post covers some key…
Predicting trends is an important part of biomedical research. In this blogpost, we have explained everything about time-series forecasting which can help you make…
I was supposed to give a talk at a seminar, but I’d decided that I couldn’t because of my speaking-anxiety. I could either convince my advisor to excuse me from the talk…
  • Guest Author
  • May 20, 2019
I had the viva part of my Early Stage Assessment yesterday and I’m relieved to say that I passed. Everyone was telling me that no one fails and it’d be fine, that I’d…
Shut Up & Write is a unique online co-working session where a small group of researchers come together on a fixed day of the week for an hour of focused writing…
The trend towards APCs has seen a sharp increase in recent years. his shift in the cost burden from university libraries to individual research groups has raised…
This is a comprehensive guide to take you through the ins and outs of reference-management software programs and how to harness their full potential. 
An open approach to communicating scientific results can benefit the process of research by making it faster, more efficient, and collaborative. Other than significantly…