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A large part of being an academic in recovery means having to figure out how much of your identity is being an academic scientist. And if that is gone, then what is left…
  • Guest Author
  • May 27, 2019
Some species of small spiders such as arachnids and erigone have the ability called ballooning1 that allows them to fly and even control the direction they move in. They…
I was self-sponsoring and even without the equipment, my research would have dug deep into my pockets. How I wish I had the money to carry out my research!
Choosing a PhD supervisor and organization is a crucial decision that will determine your academic and professional trajectory. Here, we provide some basic dos and don…
Editage, a leading science communications brand by Cactus Communications (CACTUS) has partnered with ReviewerCredits, a spinoff company endorsed by the University of…
It is no secret that academia has a dark, expansive history of bullying. Over the past few years, a growing body of evidence has suggested an alarming rate of bullying…
Most people only see the published papers and don’t know about the several rejections and revisions leading up to the final publication. So, here, I will give you an…
The students of the program found out that due to some administrative restrictions, they would not be able to travel to Greece…all students, except one – me! I was…
  • Guest Author
  • December 9, 2019
Despite the fact that I told people I wanted to be a field biologist when I was 10, I lost sight of that ideal during high school. Career tests don’t usually turn up …
This post lists some noteworthy chemistry-focused humor sites that deserve a place in your bookmark list.