
Publication Planning

Opportunities for AI in publishing are expanding rapidly. AI provides exciting opportunities for designing intelligent products and devising novel service offerings…
The 7th World Conference on Research Integrity, held in May–June 2022 in Cape Town, focused on issues surrounding ethics in collaboration between researchers in the…
Despite some obvious ethical concerns, AI has significant benefits in improving research quality and time if used with caution. This blogpost talks about it at length.
Despite the lack of pay and sometimes-thankless nature of the work, peer reviewers are vital to the process of academic publication. This article talks about the new…
Struggling to achieve your writing goals? Guilty of procastinating? This article has some ways to deal with the feelings that might be keeping you from achieving your…
We are familiar with the concept of "edition" in published books but what about scholarly articles? Jeffrey Beall reports his observations of a panel presentation…
This blogpost lists the top 5 prompts that researchers must use AI tools like ChatGPT for.
Inappropriate image manipulation has become increasingly prevalent in research publishing. This article talks about peer reviewers' role in flagging unethical elements…
This post talks about what are keywords, their importance in any academic writing, and how to choose suitable keywords for your manuscript or scholarly article.
With a wide variety of available scientific literature search tools, repositories, search engines, databases, and more, how do you pick the best one? This article will…