
Publication Planning

We are familiar with the concept of "edition" in published books but what about scholarly articles? Jeffrey Beall reports his observations of a panel presentation…
New CrossMark service alerts readers to changes in published scholarly works: Highlights from a session at SSP 2014
With digitalization and open access being the order of the day, science is becoming increasingly collaborative in nature. This article discusses authorship and how the…
The STAP stem cells situation, as I write this down, represents a can of worms whose lid has been pried open by scores of scholarly commentators, most of them active…
Spotting ethical misconduct in scholarly research: The STAP case
Belgian astronomer, Dr. Christiaan Sterken, Guest Professor at Department of Physics (University of Brussels), Emeritus Research Director at the Belgian Fund for…
Science magazines such as Scientific American and New Scientist do not have impact factors; yet, the impact of publishing an article in these magazines can be far…
Why write only research papers? Write for a broader readership
Tired of all those irrelevant hits you get when you search for a term in an online search engine? In this post, I'll share three simple yet effective ways to ensure that…
For most researchers, one of the biggest challenges is to generate text or to deal with the task of translating your research findings into a research paper. This…
4 Tips for researchers on tackling the task of writing a research paper
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of research papers submitted to academic journals, which has significantly increased the pressure on journal editors…
How authors do themselves a disservice
A book review is a critical evaluation of a book. While it would definitely include a description of the different aspects of the book, what you need to keep in mind is…
How to write a book review
The involvement of multiple individuals in different capacities naturally evokes the question of who should be credited and held accountable for the research published,…