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One research group from the School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA – decided to analyze the use of these reports within and outside the…
The discovery of microscopic plastic fragments within sediments, water bodies, and even within human and animal organs has attracted much attention in non-scientific…
One of the things I like about what I do is the strangeness of my everyday situations. There’s more of the boring old ‘sitting at a computer’ situation than I would like…
I’ll be leaving university with a PhD by December, and right now I feel like a falling cat. I’m hurtling towards the defense date trying to reconfigure myself in mid-air…
After 10 months of tingly arms and legs, a bout of optic neuritis, unexplained tiredness and brain fogs, as well as doubting my own sanity—I was finally diagnosed with…
T-test is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you compare the means of two groups, making it a fundamental test in biomedical research. This post covers some key…
The existing method for adding metals to organic materials is dangerous and laborious. Scientists from Korea have now developed a new method that is simple, safe, and…
To explain the connection between travelling and science, I’d like to remind you that scientists are in fact real live human beings, not cyborgs who survive only off…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
The trend towards APCs has seen a sharp increase in recent years. his shift in the cost burden from university libraries to individual research groups has raised…
Anxiety ebbs and flows. One week you can feel super chilled, and the next, you suddenly start feeling on edge all of the time. This week, I am on the edge.