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Constructions like ‘the data reveal that’, ‘Table 1 shows that’, or ‘Figure 2 indicates that’ are common in research papers. But do you…
Scientific writing: Difference between "to reveal," "to show," and "to indicate"
Tables and figures, although important components of many research papers, are just that—components; you can publish a paper without them but you cannot publish tables…
Referring to tables and figures in text
Science demands precision, and part of mastering a subject involves learning the exact differences between words that mean more or less the same thing. An entomologist,…
For most researchers, one of the biggest challenges is to generate text or to deal with the task of translating your research findings into a research paper. This…
4 Tips for researchers on tackling the task of writing a research paper
Headings or headlines are a special kind of text and are not as rigidly governed by conventions of punctuation. Read more...
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are a great source for research funding. Could they be right for you? Read more to learn why they are different from other sources…
Have you considered non-governmental organizations for research funds?
Most journals use acceptance or rejection rates to analyze whether the number of papers that they are rejecting or accepting is too high and to monitor any unusual…
How to interpret journal acceptance rates
Time and research dollars are limited resources for all researchers. This article provides details on what research funding is and presents a checklist of how you can…
Who will fund your research?
During the process of writing a research paper, authors may sometimes find themselves struggling to choose one word or term over the other. This post deals with and…
Commonly confused words in research writing: "alternate" and "alternative"
To choose the right word from a pair or a group of words with similar meaning, we may consult a dictionary of synonyms. However, there are words that are so similar in…