Scientists at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, studied centrioles and discovered the possibility that centrioles might carry defective mutations that could pass on a broad range of diseases to a growing embryo. Read more about their research here.

Astronomers from Chalmers University of Technology and Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden, studied supermassive black holes to find out whether they were surrounded by a magnetic field. Supermassive black holes, often with masses billions of times that of the Sun, are located at the heart of almost all galaxies in the Universe. Read on to learn more about this.

Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) published a study which shows that the brain learns new words faster by recognizing them as complete words rather than in parts, and remembered them as pictures for future reference. Read more about their research here.

A group of researchers, including Dr. John Pasley of the York Plasma Institute, Department of Physics, discovered that stars generate sound. Read more about their research here.

It is known that Vitamin D is essential for bone health and muscle function. However, there is a widespread belief that vitamin D levels are related to depression although it is not backed by any study. To investigate this claim, researchers at the Oregon State University led by David Kerr studied 185 healthy women in the age group of 18 and 25. Read more about their research here.

Toxoplasma gondii – an intracellular, parasitic protozoan that causes the disease toxoplasmosis – has reportedly infected many humans. The parasite makes significant alteration in astrocytes, which seemingly causes subtle behavioral changes in humans. Read on to learn more about this.

Although it is known that Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body's immune system kills insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, researchers were not aware of the exact genes that cause the disease. A research group has now identified the location and identities of the genes that increase the risk of Type 1 diabetes. Read on to find more. 

A team of researchers from the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology has discovered a new hormone “MOTS-c,” a mitochondrial-derived peptide hormone that imitates the effects commonly associated with exercising. It counters insulin insensitivity and diet-induced and age-dependent insulin resistance. Read on to find out more. 

Dr. Robert Davey, a virologist in the Department of Immunology and Virology at Texas Biomedical Research Institute, and his team focused their research on the mechanism by which Ebola virus infects a cell and discovered a promising drug therapy. They tested a small molecule called Tetrandrine, which was derived from a Chinese herb, on mice. Read on to find the results of this study. 

Chemicals known as emulsifiers are commonly added in most processed foods to enhance the foods' texture. Emulsifiers are considered safe but read on to find out what an immunologist at Georgia State University in Atlanta found after he and his colleagues fed common emulsifiers to healthy mice.