

It’s that time of the year when the global scholarly community comes together to celebrate peer review and to bring to the fore the current challenges, expectations,…
In a marked shift towards being more inclusive and equitable, the scientific publishing world welcomed a new ‘name change policy’ for research authors. The trans…
Don’t we all want more? You can now access the MORE and achieve that which seemed just a few inches away from reach. Wondering how? Grab an invite to the big reveal!
Camille Noûs, a French researcher and prolific author with no less than 180 published scientific articles in the past year. However, Camille has been the subject of much…
Now a group of members from eLife, Wiley, PLOS, the Center for Open Science, the University of Edinburgh, Nature Portfolio, Cell Press, and Science have come together to…
As the COVID-19 causing virus continues to surge and mutate, researchers around the world are working to identify and study the mutations of the virus. Most researchers…
In a decisive move, the Biden-led administration recently announced a reversal of restrictions implemented by the Trump administration in June 2019 on government-funded…
Recently, Clarivate released a report about the seismic shift in the research landscape across the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey (MENAT) region. In the past…
Only one in three researchers in the world is a woman, according to recent estimates by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Men continue to dominate science,…
Elsevier and University of California (UC) sign an open access (OA) publishing deal that will include Elsevier's most prestigious journals such as The Lancet and Cell